Welcome to the Ohio Unemployment SOURCE application.

If you are an existing employer accessing The SOURCE for the first time, you will need to authenticate your account. If you are a new employer and need to set up your account, you will need to start by registering your account.

Login to My Account

If you are an existing employer who has already established SOURCE login credentials, select “Employers” under "Login to my Account".

New Employer: Register an Account

If you are a new employer and need to create an OHIO UI account, register your account by selecting “Employers” under “Register for an Account”. If you previously started a registration and need to complete it, select “Employers” under “Continue Registration”.

Existing Employer using the SOURCE for the first time
Authenticate Account to Establish Login Credentials

If you are an existing employer who has an OHIO UI account, authenticate your account in the SOURCE application to establish login credentials by selecting “Employers” under “Authenticate my Account”.